mandag 5. august 2019

A Short Speech on How to Make the Most of the Digital Age and Beyond,and Presenting a Concept for Doing What is Needed to Take Humanity to the Next Level We Need as Long as there are humans!

A Short Speech on How to Make the Most of the Digital Age and Beyond,and Presenting a Concept for Doing What is Needed to Take Humanity to the Next Level We Need as Long as there are humans!


Pål Dugstad

tor. 1. aug., 21:21 (for 4 døgn siden)
til meg

In 1995 the Internet really started to come of age, and to have a major impact from then on!

The Internet was the start of the new digital age with easier and faster access to information and knowledge. 

But except for that, have we actually learned to communicate better since the start of the Internet?

Not really at all I think, because we have not made full use of what it is to use space more effectively since space is so much more than a question of storage capacity or enlarging a text so easier to read. Think of  how we best can present things for people to remember and understand the best! 

If we really had made the best use of space we would have solved a long way one of the most common and worst mistakes in human communication: trying to say too much in one go!

We should ask yourselves: what is the most effective way of absorbing and sorting out information and knowledge?

When we read something we find really interesting, we most often sit back with more questions than answers. My concept can change that! A LOT!
So much so that we can get rid of the so called  Information overload.!

And if you think we need new and improved infrastructure to create what I will suggest you are very correct, but then my concept can create exactly what is needed to implement that!
And when once first done what I will indicate, it will become next to second nature, and there is always a first time for everything!

This is my concept:

With enough people as a basis, almost no topic becomes too marginal. You can then cost effectively give in depth information and knowledge on almost any topic or question, be able to angle things from so many perspectives that whatever your background or interests, you should be able to find what you are looking for. With ample focus on in depth information and knowledge from just about all perspectives and possibilities you do not need so many overlapping media telling the "same" stories in more or less the same way. More time and resources can then be used better.

We can then  in fact effectively erase the barriers between different kinds of information and knowledge whether it is intended basically for formal education, trade, job, research or simply variuos pieces of information put forward in many ways from different sources.

There are a lot of advantages to be be gained from doing that:

One is that we can come to focus as much as time and resources on what can be` as we do today on what is`. Another huge advantage is that the biggest difference between our world`s educational systems should simply be the various languages it is conducted in. A third huge advantage is a perfect basis for not trying to say too many things at one time as you can jump on to the next level or angle in a heartbeat when space is not a limitation.

How do we best start to create this?

We can do it by creating a  vastly superior educational system worldwide all people can use freely to start with!

Most educational systems in the world now function only well at the highest level at university, and that can also be debated!

But Finland is a big exception with likely the best educational system in the world from basic level the to the highest university level.

The keys to Finland`s  highly successful educational system are in short:

They only use university educated teachers with in dept knowledge of pedagogics and core subjects like mathematics. Teachers are well respected and paid well, they are very thorough with each subject meaning they can go from a basic level to a high level in one subject before moving on to  a new subject. Kids are allowed to be kids, and the pupils are protected from politicians in the sense that they should learn how to think, and not what to think. And when doing exercises in mathematics, pupils are told to prove why their answer is correct to show they really understand it, and not just use a formula without understanding the whole process. 16% of the Finnish students go on to study natural sciences, and this very high figure which goes to show the high level Finland has sustained for many years.

The basis of of the educational system in Finland does not have to change at all, and my concept will just "supercharge " the Finnish system.

Now you may think that nations and people will not agree well on what to teach or not. 

But that is no problem at all. With no space limitations we can tailor make everything as to what to use or not, and how much of what! And remember everything can be presented thoroughly and in a manner so not trying to say too much in one go! Our brains can absorb the most then when we do not try to say too much in one go! 

If we had the superior educational system I have in mind worldwide, we would have the very best basis for creating better infrastructure at all levels. 
It will help to create mutual understanding across nations and cultures far, far better than trying to create a world without borders and nations which is not an agenda to create harmony and peace, but total conformity for total control! We need to create  a new superior infrastructure to manage the Earth much better as long as there are humans on Earth, and this Earth will not last forever as any astronomer can tell you!

It will also help us to focus far better on potential solutions rather than just highlighting problems like we should be hung up on guilt and shame rather than constructive and positive thinking.

That is not to say there will always be an ideal solution to things as people are different, but if we can peacefully look at pros and cons to many possible solutions, then we can at least agree
on what we can agree on. That is a start! Today`s news are like an endless stream of negative news with next to zero focus on positive news, and next to zero suggestions on how to solve problems we face. 

If we first have a superior educational system in place world wide, then we can also gradually restore something we have got far less of at next to all levels in our societies: accountability!

Like being accountable to the people at large first, and not mostly to strong special interests as is the case today!
In the West today the increased internationalism has allowed the richest 1% people that control most big companies also to control next to all politicians!

And accountability does not have to take the form of finding special scapegoats as the rule when applied fairly and wisely!

Imagine to wave bye,bye to the  limitations of being hung up on politics!

To vote on alternative and qualified solutions instead of political parties!
And, yes, we can create an all new system I have in mind to replace all politicians and the failed political systems!
We no longer need politicians, but we need leaders! Good leaders!  In the West you hardly find any leaders of note, just politicians.
But in the East you can find some leaders who are more leaders than politicians, and who genuinly care about the people at large,
and Vladimir Putin is the star then! He is a true leader!  Maybe Elon Musk could rise even higher to become the leader USA needs badly?
China has  got a strong leader too, so he can take the right steps for China, and better than any of governments in the West today. In fact one strong and wise leader accountable to the people
at large is far better than the weak democracies that never were really democratic at all in the first place! Nor do we need a one world government lead through the UN at all either!

Think of this: Would we have allowed our oceans to become so polluted with plastic waste that British scientists have said we can have more plastic waste in our oceans than fish within 2050
if we had had enough good leaders in the world? Of course not!  Over 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans every year! Neither would enough true leaders allowed the bad Round Up filled with the very bad chemical  glysophate then, a chemical we know kills our bees, and prevent humans from absorbing our nutrients in food well, and that is just the beginning of all the bad things we can now document from the widespread use of Round Up. 

The whole political system is absolutely obsolete in terms of what we need in order to face new challenges!
What we call democracies are weak, and very easy to exploit by strong special interests!

Remember what Charles de Gaulle said: " No nation has friends, only interests!"
Also remember the saying: "There are as many truths as there are interests!"

Today mass media are used to condition people to not think longer than when their first "dislike" emotion kicks in.

Many of today`s conflicts can best be solved by bypassing problems rather than full confrontation, and then we must seek to create scenarios
that will make bad solutions next to obsolete!

Humanity needs to take this big step forward if we are to make the best solutions for today and in future for as long as there are humans on our planet!

If all this is sounds difficult to imagine at first, it is because our brains are wired to connect things with what we already know, so we need to imagine new things we are not familiar with in a setting like a best possible scenario. If we do not do that we will always miss out on things we need to implement for things to work well. The phrase "the same as" is dangerous because something can be very different in many ways while still resemble things we already know. This is natural because our brains work to always compare things with what we already know, and this is the only way to prevent total chaos as our brains store and try to make sense of our impressions. 

The topic I am talking about is HUGE if you think of all possibilities and implications.... That is why I prefer my speech to be rather short. If not I could easily go too far and try to say too many things in one go. Then I could sound almost like a cooking book, or even like an encyclopedia, and nor do I  want to be so specific as to be interesting mostly only to those taking a special interest in what I say. I need to strike a balance, but a  smart system does not need that when not limited by space. I also do not to draw any very firm conclusions because some open questions are good for a discussion as people do not like being limited as to what to say or not. There is great wisdom in knowing when less is more!

I believe if my concept was fully implemented worldwide, the world would be like 400 years more advanced than today in the way we approach things, but what I suggest can all be largely done in one generation I think if done well since we need no new technologies to do it first. At best my concept should work as effectively as an artificial intelligence program learning and playing chess at the highest level!

I believe my concept can easily create the basis for not needing any extreme measures to stop the world from becoming very over populated. Think of this: If we put the whole world population of 7,5 billion people all across the US state of Texas the population density across all of Texas would be like that of Paris. Think of also of this: There are about 1,4 billion insects for each human on Earth if you on average say each insect weighs 3 milligrams and each human 60 kg. This means that the estimated 10 quintillion insects on Earth according to the online Encyclopedia Smithsonian weigh 70 times that of the entire human population. But if not chased by blood sucking mosquitos or angered wasps, we are largely not bothered by insects much!

I say this not to say I am pro an ever growing human population, but to say we need no urgent and insane real "holocaust" solutions to reduce our human population down to just around 500 million people as some people have seriously said. Just limit number of children to 3 children would help since so many people have only 1 child or no children, and we need 2,1 children on average to sustain a population. Child support money from the state can be limited to max 3 children too.

I also believe my concept can help create the thinking to think less in extreme ways as to think there are one way  "only" of rules all humans must abide by.

I noted once that a lady wrote " I believe in God, but not in religions." I quote this not to discredit religions in general, but if we try to think of God as a creating force of energy to do things, then we can try to imagine  God as a universal power not to be defined mostly by human imagination only. Then we can also try to define what is perfection, and perfection is a very high calling, so we can then try to agree on that only God has that capability, and that no humans should be  seen as holding truths to overrule all other truths since humans do not know  absolute truths when not being perfect.... Humans always need new good role models in general though!  People need spiritual values, and we can see widespread moral decline when it is found lacking! 

Does this sound like a  long hmmmmm?

It does, because so many ifs there, but it is worth a try since all perception is real for each person whether other people agree with  it or not.

There is also value in taking people seriously when you do not agree with them. But one sided respect deserves no respect!

We can only live in the immediate future, but I will now describe a number of things in short my concept can help create hopefully not  far ahead in future:

A new search engine that is based 100% on relevance, and not frequency at all, and yes, you got to produce lots of the input yourself to make it stick, but from the moment it clicks well it can be vastly superior to the search engines we have today.

Advertising based exactly on offers you have given the green light for to be the new norm since the best and most cost effective when done well that way!

Learning at school through the wide use of games since we can learn faster and remember better what we use topics for games, and next to all topics can be used to create interesting games!
The potential is huge!

Yes, today some producers are more about changing people to conform to like their products rather than asking people what they want. Yes, this strategy can work to a certain degree if people are forced to have limited choice, but this is a bad strategy when producers can do so much better, and people deserve better too.

The death of the common mass media as the main source of news and other stuff when you can reach out and give every single person an offer to get a stream of information and knowledge exactly tailor made to each person. Yes, my concept indicates this and more. We no longer need traditional mass media, but we need a mass market, and that we have!

Preventive medicine should become the biggest thing in medicine by far, and save society and people a lot vs being sick, yet plenty to earn from it. Yes, preventive medicine should be very profitable for both producers and clients! No less than today at all! And you do not need to turn all people into total hypoconders either, but health consious, sure! I have a model for it in my head without the need to become extreme!

I think my concept can pave the way for a new kind of stock exchange in which special pieces of knowledge and information are given value from its usefulness and "weight"  in many ways when stringed together well in smart ways!

We should become more clever at using the best areas for growing food effectively. Then countries like Ethiopia and Ukraine come to mind!

And how to reduce waste in super markets regarding fruits and vegetables? One solution is simply to have a person to make smoothies of the vegetables and fruits that need to be taken care of before becoming too ripe, and then straight into a freezer if not sold the same day! Think for example of all the good and super healthy avocadoes that go to waste that can be used in time instead!  Yes, this is not actually a big problem, but I say it to show that simple and good solutions can often be overlooked!

Should established industry be afraid of what I indicate?

Not at all! Because what I suggest will also help producers know better what people want, and people can be taught what they want better when being raised to see better what can be offered.

We can never be aware of what we are not aware of! And imagine for many producers to much easier predict what to produce and how much of it when relating more directly to orders abd wishes! Also think of those who thought that the use of computers would seriously reduce the use of paper, but the opposite happened.

My concept can create a huge synergy effect bigger than any before in human history. The potential has no ceiling, and it can create lots of jobs and revenue to drive it all forward more than all the biggest companies today combined! And it needs to be inclusive a lot instead of being exclusive for the few. Market shares will become bigger for both small and big companies!

And finally I like to say I want to hear from people who find my thoughts interesting, and who want to see at least some of my thoughts come true. From private citizens to companies and governments! I have also business models for all the things I have suggested because I know idealism alone will not stick financially!

Mr Pål Dugstad / Norway

søndag 24. mai 2009

My Ultimate Media Concept

How to absorb and sort out information and knowledge more effectively?

The thing is that we human beings are from making the most are from making the most out of the information and knowledge we have.

We are in general too hung up on what is` and we pay far too little attention to what can be`.

Compared to what can be` our educational systems are in many ways obsolete. A lot of potential talent is wasted. Our learning potential is much bigger than the old educational system can handle. We need a system with much better ramifications, and we need to create new infrastructure in order to make it, worldwide.

Our democracies which are not very democratic are also in many ways obsolete in terms of what we need in order to solve our problems better.

Instead of voting for political parties we should be voting for alternative and qualified solutions.

Can you think of any country in this world which is not badly run in many ways?

And most countries are littered with corruption and too much bureaucracy. We need new ways of doing things which are very different from what we are doing today.

Clues to my media concept:

With enough people as a basis, almost no topic becomes too marginal. You can then cost effectively give in depth information and knowledge on almost any topic or question, be able to angle things from so many perspectives that whatever your background or interests, you should be able to find what you are looking for. With ample focus on in depth information and knowledge from just about all perspectives and possibilities you do not need so many overlapping media telling the "same" stories in more or less the same way. More time and resources can then be used better.

You can in fact effectively erase the barriers between different kinds of information and knowledge whether it is intended basically for formal education, trade, job, research or simply variuos pieces of information put forward in many ways from different sources.

There are a lot of advantages to be be gained from doing that:
One is that we can come to focus as much as time and resources on what can be` as we do today on what is`. Another huge advantage is that the biggest difference between our world`s educational systems should simply be the various languages it is conducted in.

Have you heard about the guy who wakes up after 150 years in a coma?
He is asked if he recognizes anything and he says: Well, the churches.... and the schools."

I do not advocate change just for the sake of change, but we should be more open to new concepts which can make our world a better place to live.

Imagine a world in which being cheerful is the most common mood among people. That would be a clear of a world that is much better run than today. The collected wisdom of our planet should ideally form the basis on how we manage our lives.

I welcome comments to this article.

I think my media concept can really improve the ways we absorb and sort information and knowledge, and I am looking for someone who wants to create it in real life. Feel free to contact me.
